What Would Be Considered a Dental Emergency?

Most people are unaware that undiagnosed dental problems do have the possibility to become a lot more serious over time. That’s why it’s critical to know the difference between a dental emergency and one that isn’t. Keep reading to know What Is Considered a Dental Emergency. Any scenario in which you believe your life is in imminent danger is categorised as a dental emergency. Bleeding, lost fillings, a broken jaw, and other clinical signs of a dental emergency are all common.

Several different situations and diseases can affect the health of your teeth at any time. While some dental issues are minor, a lot of others are much more serious and necessitate seeking medical help as soon as possible to fix. It’s critical to understand what defines a dental emergency before trying to seek emergency help for your dental issues.

What Would Be Considered a Dental Emergency

What is the definition of a dental emergency?

There are a variety of situations that qualify as a dental emergency. To be classified as a dental emergency, you should be displaying symptoms that are hurting your life. If your situation can be classified as a dental emergency, you should receive expert help as soon as possible.

If you’ve been having strange dental symptoms, keep reading to learn how to solve all of the issues you’re having with your dental condition. This will also cover what is considered a Dental Emergency.

5 most common types of Dental Emergencies

You know to go over to the emergency room if you suddenly break your finger while chopping vegetables for supper. But what if you start biting into something and suddenly your tooth chips? Most people still would seek treatment in an emergency room. The concern quickly becomes  “What would be a dental emergency that necessitates a trip to the dentist vs. what forms of emergencies necessitate a trip to the emergency room?” Here are 5 main dental emergencies that necessitate a trip to an emergency dentist to assist you in making this decision:

Severe Toothache

Toothache can imply a variety of dental issues, and the source of the pain should be determined so that it could be treated. Pulp infectious diseases and something jammed between 2 teeth are two likely reasons for toothaches. It is particularly important to visit an emergency dentist if tooth pain occurs suddenly, worsens over time, or is severe. Meanwhile, a cold compress could help relieve some of the pain.

Chips or Cracks

Cracks or chips in teeth can occur as a result of nibbling down on hard things, using teeth for purposes other than chewing and biting, or as a result of an accident. Chipped or cracked teeth are far more common among people who clench or grind their teeth. If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, you should seek treatment from an emergency dentist. Rinse any dental fragments, place them in a water or milk glass, and bring them to your emergency dentist appointment.

Knocked out or loose teeth

Any facial trauma that provokes teeth to loosen or fall out necessitates instant dental attention. If a molar is loose, it is critical to keep it in its implant in order to avoid it from slipping out. You could do this by lightly chomping down on the tooth to keep it in place. It’s critical to try to find a missing tooth if one has already been knocked out. If the absent tooth is discovered, the crown must be the one to manage it and wash it. You can save an absent tooth in 1 of 2 ways: first, you can re-insert it into its socket and press down as if it were a loose tooth.

Soft Tissue Injury

The gums, lips, insides of the tongue, and cheeks are all delicate tissues inside the mouth. If you have an injury to one of these tooth structures, contact your emergency dentist for guidance on what to do next. Some situations may necessitate the use of an emergency dentist, whereas others necessitate a trip to the emergency room. Prior to actually applying force to stop bleeding, soft tissue pain like punctures, lacerations, and tears must be washed with warm water.

Loose or Missing Dental Restoration

Both temporary and permanent restorations have the potential of becoming loose or dropping out, but temporary restoration work is far more certain. Both seek immediate dental care, regardless of the kind of restoration. You’ll need to carry in the restoration for a long-term fix. You might well be capable of keeping a temporary restoration in position until you finally see your dentist by applying chapstick, chapstick, or denture adhesive.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is the first thing that comes to mind when considering what constitutes a dental emergency. An abscessed tooth is one that has become infected due to a pouch of pus within the tooth. It’s a life-threatening, serious condition. It can lead to tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, tender lymph nodes in the neck, a high fever, a persistent toothache, a bruised face, and pimples on the gum tissue close to the affected tooth.

A dental abscess is definitely a dental emergency. Because the infection has the potential to spread all around the jaw as well as nearby tissues. Use a saltwater wash a few times per day until you can see a dentist pull the pus to the ground and relieve the pain.

Overall, dental emergencies include chipped, toothaches, cracked, missing teeth, or loose, soft torn ligaments, and missing dental dentures. If you or a member of your family suffers from one of these dental emergency situations. Make an appointment with an emergency dentist right away. Despite the fact that most medical emergencies necessitate a trip to the emergency hospital room. Most emergency rooms would then simply just refer to an emergency dentist. As a result, to save time and avoid unnecessary irritation, go directly to your nearest emergency dental clinic.

Take Care Of Your Dental Requirements

Based on the kind of dental emergency you’re experiencing, some healthcare facilities may prescribe medication. Whereas others utilise alternative therapy forms to cure your situation. Because not all dental issues necessitate urgent help, you should make sure that your condition is life or death before entering a hospital.

The post What Would Be Considered a Dental Emergency? appeared first on Eve Dental Centre Cranbourne North.

source https://evedentalcentre.com.au/what-would-be-considered-a-dental-emergency/

How To Keep Cavity From Getting Worse?

Who doesn’t want to flaunt a healthy and beautiful smile? We all do, but not all of us are able to!

Dental cavity and caries are some of the most common dental issues today, in spite of being preventive in nature. As per research, on average, adults between 20 and 64 years of age have 3.28 decayed or missing teeth!How to Keep Cavity from Getting Worse?

This is whopping and needs immediate attention.

So, What is Tooth Decay?

There are cases when the protective layer of the teeth called enamel gets destroyed due to bacterial infections. Not only this, but various acids usually found in the food also tend to damage the enamel.

As this protective layer gets destroyed, the bacteria are exposed to gums and even the bone, making small holes resulting in a lot of pain and a cavity you can check What Helps With Tooth Pain for some relief. This entire process is termed “tooth decay”.

As a matter of fact, tooth decay should be checked as soon as possible because it can affect the other teeth as well. Also, if not treated at the right time, it might have an adverse effect on the blood vessels and the nerves present in the gums.

As a preventive method, one should be careful in advance and take proper care of their oral health. This includes brushing the teeth twice a day, regular flossing, and rinsing the mouth after every meal.

How to Prevent and Control Cavity from Becoming Severe?

In cases where the bacteria has affected your enamel, try to keep the cavity from taking the worst form. This can be done by the following easy steps mentioned below-

  • To start with, look for the symptoms of the cavity and brush that particular area well

Pain while eating anything, or tooth sensitivity are a few symptoms that indicate the presence of bacteria. Once you spot any of these symptoms, rush to your dentist and get it cured at the initial stage only.

As a DIY method- one should brush their teeth twice a day properly. If you see any infestation of bacteria, pay special attention to the affected area and brush it properly.How to Prevent and Control Cavity

  • You can use a fluoride treatment

Fluoride is an anti-bacterial chemical, which has the ability to cut down the multiplying capacity of the bacteria. Thus, it is highly recommended to use fluoride or sodium fluoride-rich toothpaste.

But it is always to fix regular dental appointments in case of any uneasiness in your teeth. Sometimes, stronger products can have side effects on your gums.

Additionally, you can also opt for a fluoride-rich mouth wash. But, make sure it is approved by the medical authorities.

  • Water can do miracles

    This is an established fact that a dry mouth can accelerate the process of tooth decay. So, keep your mouth moist, in order to slow down the multiplying process of the bacteria.

    Also, rinsing your mouth with water after every meal proves beneficial as it removes all the food particles stuck in between your teeth.

  • Chew gum, but the one with xylitol content in it

    Xylitol is alcohol, which occurs naturally and is found in plants. Xylitol has anti-bacterial properties and can prevent the infection caused by the bacteria.

    A gum that contains about 1-15 grams of Xylitol proves helpful in killing the bacteria that can cause cavity and tooth decay. If you see any symptoms of tooth decay, then it is highly recommended to chew 1-2 gums in a day.

    This can prove helpful in slowing down the growth of bacteria. Also, chewing gums produce a lot of salivae which helps to clean and wash away the food particles and in turn keeps your enamel stronger.

  • It is better to avoid refined sugar

    The major cause of the cavity in the teeth is bacteria which multiply rapidly in an acidic environment. The sugar content found in the dental plaque is the main fuel for the bacteria. This is the reason why you are advised to have limited sweets and beverages. Foods that have high starch content like potatoes, pasta, white bread, and the like must be avoided in the case of tooth decay.

Final Words

Thus, if you or anyone in your acquaintance is suffering from any problem related to tooth decay, it is highly recommended to follow the above-mentioned methods. These methods would hamper the growth of cavity-causing germs and would even help you reverse the damage.

Find Our local dentist for instant relief we are available at Dentist Berwick, Cranbourne, ClydeClyde NorthPakenhamHallamHampton ParkLynbrookNarre WarrenDoveton

The post How To Keep Cavity From Getting Worse? appeared first on Eve Dental Centre Cranbourne North.

source https://evedentalcentre.com.au/how-to-keep-cavity-from-getting-worse/

Hand Guide For Composite Veneer

Smiling is a good habit and it has multiple benefits. Smiling helps in managing stress and it’s a polite way to greet people. In this blog, we will try to help you out in understanding the composite veneer. A composite veneer is a dental treatment that is carried out by dentists to repair and whiten teeth.


You can carve a synthetic resin right on your teeth to achieve stunning, life-like results if you have crumbled chipped, or damaged teeth. This is a different procedure than dental crowns, dental bridges, or dental fillings, which are more practical than esthetic procedures although with the same content. Modern composite materials can develop a lifelike, lovely look that does not destroy the tooth structure and will last for a long period.


Advantages of Composite Veneers.


Composite veneers are used in a layer to the tooth surface and sculptured in your mouth, matching your natural tooth shade, for the desired aesthetic appearance. The tooth-colored filling material is also used.  Composite veneers are used when real teeth are chipped or discolored.  These are also used to give straighter teeth the appearance when there are slight misalignments of teeth.


By placing the layers on the teeth before the process starts, patients can immediately see the end results. This is extremely important because patients can choose their tooth color and adapt it to their dental identification. Composite furniture provides outstanding esthetic and practical outcomes as composite is long-term, high-quality material.

In reality, composite veneers are a simple, reversible, and painless technique that makes aesthetic and functional outcomes almost on the spot. This is why this procedure is popular and most patients go after it. The composite veneer is very thin, mounted across the tooth sheet, which ideally adapts to the natural shape of the teeth.


This procedure has many things in common with dental fillings since plastic resin is a natural substitute for filling the teeth. Composite veneers conceal damaged teeth conveniently and change the form, location, and height of the teeth to make them fit all tooth conditions beautifully.


Dentist At Eve Dental Care


Our Eve Dental Center professional Team supports all of our respected customers with excellent dental services. We acknowledge that any care can be terrifying and that we do our best to make it as simple and comfortable for you as possible. We offer all types of dental services to improve your oral health and strengthen your smile. We are currently serving our dentistry services in Cranbourne, you can come to our hospital to avail all the services.

The post Hand Guide For Composite Veneer appeared first on Eve Dental Centre Cranbourne North.

source https://evedentalcentre.com.au/hand-guide-for-composite-veneer/

All You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

If someone ever told you that the growth of wisdom teeth makes you wise, they might not entirely be wrong. While there is no link between wisdom teeth and the intellect of a person, wisdom teeth usually come in during the late teens and pre-twenties? And well, with age, comes wisdom. Welcome to adulthood!

While most of us know what wisdom teeth are, here’s a short recap from the school days. Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that comes in between the age of 17 to 21 to complete your 32 teeth. You get two on the upper jaw and two on your lower jaw.


The growth of wisdom teeth could be a painful experience for most people due to a lack of space in the gums or abnormal growth. The last set of molars usually grows horizontally towards the existing molars pressing onto them, or towards the opposite direction. It could also grow outward or inward. All of these could cause immense pain and infections. This is one of the main reasons why people need to get their wisdom teeth extracted.


Other common reasons as to why wisdom teeth need extraction include infection or cavities, damage to nearby teeth, lesions (abnormal-looking tissues), bone loss around roots, and lack of space for brushing or flossing.


If your wisdom teeth are aligned perfectly well, creating no issues, most dentists and health specialists don’t recommend extracting completely healthy teeth.


However, some dentists suggest tooth extraction even before they come in to avoid any problems in the future. In some cases, before the tooth comes in a sack of tissues around the wisdom tooth can develop a cyst leading to bone loss in your jaw. Besides, common complications listed above might also occur as the tooth comes in. So, they believe that not getting wisdom teeth removed is just avoiding the inevitable. However, it is always in your best interest to take a second opinion from another dentist if you have any doubts about your dentist’s suggestion and home remedies for tooth infection.


If more than half of your tooth is out of the gum, your dentist will go for a simple extraction. For this procedure, your gums are numbed and then injected with stronger anesthesia, following which, your tooth is loosened with the help of a tool called an elevator and pulled out with dental forceps. Once your tooth is out, the area is cleaned and packed with dental gauze to stop bleeding.


After the procedure, you might feel sore for a few days and experience a little bleeding on the day of the extraction. So, you shouldn’t brush your teeth or rinse for 24 hours. It is recommended to gargle with lukewarm salt water every two hours from the next day for a week.


If more than half of your tooth is under your gum, your dentist will go for a surgical extraction. As this procedure requires cutting open your gum, your dentist might refer you to an oral surgeon. During this procedure, you’ll be subjected to general anesthesia to make you unconscious. Then, your doctor will cut open your gum to remove the tooth from its root. Depending upon the position of your tooth, your doctor might have to cut a small portion of your jaw bone. As this is a surgical procedure, you might require stitches.


After the procedure, it is safe to take a cab or ask someone to drive you, as you might still feel groggy. You will be prescribed some form of painkillers to relieve the pain. And, if your jaw is swollen, placing an ice pack could help reduce the swelling. Fully opening the mouth may be difficult for a week, so sticking to soft food is advisable.


One common complication that may occur after a wisdom tooth extraction is dry socket that occurs when a blood clot doesn’t form, or the clot is dislodged. It could cause dull to severe pain, along with the bad breath.


In rare cases, you might experience paresthesia. It happens when nerves around the jawbone are damaged or bruised. It could lead to numbness of tongue, lip, or chin that could last from a few days to a few years. In some cases, it could even be permanent.

If you happen to experience any abnormalities such as difficulty swallowing or breathing, continuous bleeding, or severe pain, call your Eve Dental Centre immediately.

The post All You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth appeared first on Eve Dental Centre Cranbourne North.

source https://evedentalcentre.com.au/all-you-need-to-know-about-wisdom-teeth/

Thumbsucking & Pacifier Use

There’s no such thing as a secret parenting hack to make all your worries go away. There’s always a lot of confusion with so many opinions from so many different people. But remember, only YOU know what’s best for YOUR kid.


One of the very first parental decisions you have to make for your child might concern your child’s sucking behavior. Do you let your child suck on their thumb or get a pacifier? Is it even healthy for your child to keep sucking? At what age do kids usually stop sucking? What happens if they don’t stop?


Before you get into the nitty-gritty listed by the Dental Care Specialists at Eve Dental Care, let’s begin with why do kids engage in non-nutritional sucking?


Well, it is an innate behavior that helps them soothe themselves. It provides a sense of security and helps cope with disturbing situations, such as being away from the parents or in an unfamiliar environment.

Thumbsucking vs. Pacifiers

While there are many debates backed by facts and rumors as to what’s best for the babies, it’s crucial to keep in mind that every child is different. While pacifiers might work for most kids, thumbsucking might be the best choice for others.

One of the reasons, why pacifiers might be a better choice compared to thumbsucking, is the fact that it is associated with a reduction in the rate of SIDS, also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. What better reason to give your child a pacifier than the fact that it could save their lives? Another great reason to give your child a pacifier is that weaning your child off pacifiers is easy, compared to their thumb.

However, the use of pacifiers might not be okay for all babies. The rigorous continuous sucking of pacifiers could cause your child’s ear to be abnormally open, allowing fluids from the throat to seep into the middle ear, causing ear infections. So, if your child starts getting an ear infection, it’s best to take away the pacifier. Another drawback of using a pacifier is the fact that the child might cry every time the pacifier drops while sleeping. It causes you to wake multiple times during a night.

Before You Give your Babies Pacifiers

Hygiene: Make sure that the pacifier is clean. You don’t want any germs making their way into your child’s system.

Safety Check: Don’t attach the pacifier with a string long enough to be wrapped around your child’s neck. You never know when an accident might happen.

At What Age Do Kids Usually Stop Sucking?

Most kids usually stop sucking once they start exploring the surroundings and blabbing, around the age of 2 to 4. Some kids take longer and stop once they start going to school and interacting with friends.

What Happens If They Don’t Stop?

If your kids don’t stop sucking on their pacifier or thumb by the age of 5, it could cause serious damage to the development of their mouths. Aggressive sucking is known to create issues with the alignment of their teeth. In severe cases, it could also cause changes in the roof of the child’s mouth.

How to Make your Child Stop Sucking?

Well, for starters, don’t scold your child every time they suck on their thumb. As sucking is a reflex action to soothe them during difficult situations, scolding could make them anxious which could prolong the sucking behavior. Instead, you could try to understand what makes them feel uncomfortable and comfort them. Adding on, you could give your child words of encouragement every time your child doesn’t suck on their thumb.

If these methods don’t work, you could also try bandaging their finger or putting a clean sock on their fingers before they go to bed.

What Do You Do When Nothing Works?

Children can be stubborn, and habits are difficult to break. But that doesn’t mean impossible. The best option after you exhausted all your resources would be to take your child to a pediatric dentist. Your dentist could help your kid understand the consequences in detail, which might help convince them to leave their finger sucking habit. Your dentist could also prescribe a mouth appliance or medication to apply on your child’s finger to control the behavior.

Please note, it is always the best to call your pediatrician for dental implants & services or any other health care if you notice any abnormalities or have any questions.

The post Thumbsucking & Pacifier Use appeared first on Eve Dental Centre Cranbourne North.

source https://evedentalcentre.com.au/thumbsucking-pacifier-use/

Cranbourne North Dentist

Called ‘Eve Dental Centre’, we are one of Melbourne’s most trusted dental clinics, and we’re conveniently located in Cranbourne North. Our dental professionals are here to offer your whole family an amazing dental experience every time you visit. Our highly trained and experienced Dental team have the knowledge and skills to provide you with a top rate dental checkup so you leave us smiling.  

We offer all dental services to our patients, both young to old. You can discuss any and all of your dental issues with us freely,  give us a ring today, and make your appointment over the phone. We offer only the best treatments, and at a cost effective rate, that will no doubt put a smile on your face.  Eve Dental Centre offers a wide range of general, cosmetic, preventive and restorative dental treatments, right here in Cranbourne North. 

To keep our clients safe from a potential Covid-19 infection, we have reduced our dental clinic hours to Monday to Friday (9:30 am to 5:00 pm) as advised by the Victorian Government. We do accept new appointments, however appointments for dental surgery, will not be accepted if you do not live within a 5km radius. 


$120 Dental Checkup, With A Teeth Clean & X-Ray

We offer oral examinations, teeth cleaning and an X-Ray check with our $120 dental checkup. All you need to do is refer to this offer when you’re making a booking!

Services and Treatments

Teeth Whitening

For our teeth whitening treatment, we provide a secure, budget-friendly and effective treatment that will give you enough confidence to show off your stain-free white teeth. 

Clear Aligners

Our Clear Aligners or Smile Styler is one of our most popular treatments in our clinic for our pre-teen and teenage patients. This is a non-invasive treatment, it’s purpose is to deliver a straighter, more healthy smile. 

Dental Implants

Dental Implantation is a great option if you’re wanting to restore missing teeth. Our goal is to provide the safest possible procedure to our clients, at a cost effective price. 

Root Canal Therapy

For our Root Canal Therapy, our goal is to make sure our patients are comfortable and that their experience is as painless as possible. The purpose of this treatment is to repair and restore the badly decayed tooth. 


Orthodontics is one of the specialties of dentistry. This treatment will fix and correct any abnormal alignment of the teeth and jaws. Our aim is to provide high quality Orthodontic treatment to all our patients requiring Orthodontics.


A dental bridge replaces your missing teeth with false teeth. The dental bridge is connected to the patient’s real teeth.

Need an Urgent Dental Care Service?  

In search for a professional and dependable dental clinic in Cranbourne North?  If yes, then Eve Dental Centre is here to help. At Eve Dental Centre in Cranbourne North, we treat all kinds of dental health problems. Our well-trained and licensed dentists will fix your tooth-related issues and will provide you a great oral health treatment.  Our dental professionals in Cranbourne North provide extensive general, emergency, family and orthodontics treatments with a budget-friendly prices in Cranbourne North. 

Visit Eve Dental Centre Today! 


Eve Dental Centre is proud to offer some of the most advanced and latest dental technology in Australia. Visit us today and see what everyone is talking about.

Comfort & Reassurance

Our team of well-trained and experienced dental professionals will work hard to provide you a comfortable and pain free treatment. 

Convenience & Ambience

Our clinic will provide you comfort and an anxious-free feeling when you come to visit. 

We are Proud Members of the Australian Dental Association 


All private insurances are acceptable including HCF and NIB. 

Service Areas 

Our clinic is located at 10/2-10S William Thwaites Blvd, Cranbourne North VIC 3977. You can spot Eve Dental Care near the Chemist Warehouse. We provide dental services to all closeby suburbs including Clyde, Clyde North, Pakenham, Hallam, Hampton Park, Lynbrook, Narre Warren, Doveton and Berwick. 

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